Kako preci Granicu Bosne?
Bosnia and Hercegovina have very famous people like Ivo Andric as a Nobel Prize in Literature.
Born Ivan Andrić; 9 October 1892 – 13 March 1975) was a Yugoslav[a] novelist, poet and short story writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1961. His writings dealt mainly with life in his native Bosnia under Ottoman rule.
Born in Travnik in Austria-Hungary, modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina, Andrić attended high school in Sarajevo, where he became an active member of several South Slav national youth organizations. Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914, Andrić was arrested and imprisoned by the Austro-Hungarian police, who suspected his involvement in the plot. As the authorities were unable to build a strong case against him, he spent much of the war under house arrest, only being released following a general amnesty for such cases in July 1917. After the war, he studied South Slavic history and literature at universities in Zagreb and Graz, eventually attaining his PhD. in Graz in 1924. He worked in the diplomatic service of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 1920 to 1923 and again from 1924 to 1941. In 1939, he became Yugoslavia’s ambassador to Germany, but his tenure ended in April 1941 with the German-led invasion of his country. Shortly after the invasion, Andrić returned to German-occupied Belgrade. He lived quietly in a friend’s apartment for the duration of World War II, in conditions likened by some biographers to house arrest, and wrote some of his most important works, including Na Drini ćuprija (The Bridge on the Drina).
Bosnia and Hercegovina need to have more famous people as Ivo Andric, they need to invest in all generations and promote Bosnia and Hercegovina a s a country where all your dreams can become true.
Bosnia and Hercegovina need to develop an economy and European Union need to help them.
Kako preci Granicus izmedu Bosne I Hercegovine I Hrvatske, koje document mora’s imati?
Putna isprava sa kojom stranac može ući u BiH je važeći pasoš ili drugi putni identifikacioni dokument koji je izdao strani nadležni organ vlasti i koji BiH priznaje, te važeća lična karta ili drugi lični identifikacioni dokument s fotografijom koji se može koristiti za prelazak državne granice, a priznat je međunarodnim ugovorom čija je BiH ugovorna strana, kao i putna isprava izdana strancu u BiH u skladu sa Zakonom o kretanju i boravku stranaca i azilu. (član 5. Zakona o kretanju i boravku stranaca i azilu)
Stranac može ulaziti u BiH s važećom putnom ispravom u koju je unesena viza ili odobrenje boravka, ako Zakonom o kretanju i boravku stranaca i azilu ili međunarodnim ugovorom nije drugačije određeno. Od obaveze pribavljanja vize za ulazak u BiH izuzeti su stranci državljani država iz člana 2. Odluke o vizama i člana 4. Odluke o vizama.
Državljani slijedećih država mogu ući u Bosnu i Hercegovinu do 90 dana u periodu od šest mjeseci, počevši od dana prvog ulaska, osim s putnom ispravom i s valjanom ličnom kartom kojom se dokazuje identitet i državljanstvo:
1) države članice Europske Unije,
2) države potpisnice Šengenskog sporazuma i
3) Andora, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Lihtenštajn, Monako, San Marino, Srbija, Sveta Stolica i Švicarska Konfederacija.(član 16. Odluke o vizama).
Translation in English about how to cross the border in Bosnia and Hercegovina
The travel document with which a foreigner may enter BiH is a valid passport or other travel identification document issued by a foreign competent authority and recognized by BiH, as well as a valid identity card or other personal identification document with a photograph that can be used to cross the state border and is recognized by an international agreement to which BiH is a contracting party, as well as a travel document issued to a foreigner in BiH in accordance with the Law on Movement and Stay of Foreigners and Asylum. (Article 5 of the Law on Movement and Stay of Foreigners and Asylum)
A foreigner may enter BiH with a valid travel document in which a visa or residence permit is entered, unless otherwise provided for in the Law on Movement and Stay of Foreigners and Asylum or an international agreement. Foreigners who are citizens of the countries referred to in Article 2 of the Visa Decision and Article 4 of the Visa Decision are exempt from the obligation to obtain a visa for entry into BiH.
Citizens of the following countries may enter Bosnia and Herzegovina for up to 90 days within a period of six months, starting from the date of first entry, in addition to a travel document and a valid ID card proving identity and citizenship:
1) Member States of the European Union,
2) Schengen States and
3) Andorra, Montenegro, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Serbia, the Holy See and the Swiss Confederation. (Article 16 of the Visa Decision).